
  • Fly fishing for salmon and sea trout.
  • 12 miles of fishing – both banks – of the lower River Tamar below Greystone Bridge.
  • March 1st to October 14th. Prices: see Home page
  • An Environment Agency Fishing Licence is required. This can be bought from a Post Office or on-line.


  • In order to conserve Salmon stocks, a National Byelaw, introduced in 1999, makes it an offence to kill any Salmon during the early part of the fishing season 1st March — 15th June (inclusive). All Salmon caught during this period must be returned. In addition, the use of knotless meshed nets is required at all times and for all species of fish. The use of knotted mesh nets is now an offence. 

  • In addition, Endsleigh now requires all salmon and any sea trout of 3lb or more, throughout the season to be returned. This is with the following limited exception, namely that any such fish caught after June 16th may be killed if it is bleeding profusely such that it is very unlikely to survive release. 

  • Note that the Sea-Trout season ends on 30th September.