Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Notice


At Endsleigh Fishing Club (EFC) we take the safeguarding of all our members and their guests very seriously.

We offer a variety of angling options for all skill levels. We work alongside John Dennis who is employed by EFC as a river keeper and fishing instructor. John has a DBS certificate and will sign a voluntary self-declaration and disclosure form every year. If anyone wishes to raise a safeguarding issue on any of the policies set out below, they should contact John Dennis or the club’s safeguarding officer who is currently Mrs Pippa Medd.

John Dennis will undertake routine training workshops with the Angling Trust when they are offered and be familiar with all documents relating to Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Risk assessments.

We have adopted the following safeguarding policies:

Safety of Vulnerable Adults and Minors

EFC will take reasonable and practicable steps to:

  • Value, listen to, respect and protect (as necessary) adults at risk and young people.
  • Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of an incident or concern and provide support for the individual or individuals involved.
  • Ensure confidential, detailed, and accurate records are maintained and securely stored.
  • Prevent the employment or deployment of unsuitable persons by taking reasonable and practicable steps ensuring all necessary checks are robustly carried out.
  • Ensure everyone, including young people and their parents, has easy to understand up to date information so that they can know where to go for help or support.
    Review and adapt policies and procedures as required.

Safety of Part Time Staff

EFC will take reasonable and practicable steps to:

  • Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of an incident or concern and provide support for the individual or individuals involved.
  • Ensure confidential, detailed, and accurate records are maintained and securely stored.
  • Prevent the employment or deployment of unsuitable persons by ensuring all necessary checks are robustly carried out.
  • Ensure everyone has easy to understand up to date information so that they can know where to go for help or support.
  • Review and adapt policies and procedures as required.

Inappropriate Use of Photographs of Minors

EFC will take reasonable and practicable steps to:

  • Ensure appropriate action is taken in the case of inappropriate use of photos of minors and provide support for the individual or individuals involved.
  • Prevent the employment or deployment of unsuitable persons by taking reasonable and practicable steps to ensure all necessary checks are robustly carried out.
  • Ensure everyone has easy to understand up to date information so that they can know where to go for help or support.
  • Review and adapt policies and procedures as required.


Endsleigh Fishing Club Limited
May 2024